
They say time flies when you’re having fun and slows down when you worry. Pondering on this, I have a theory. What if time is nonexistent and the saying is actually relative to how you actually feel and the frequency that emotions resides on? To my understanding (and beliefs), emotions are energies in motions. Feelings flowing through the mind, body and spirit. High frequencies tend to flow through the cosmos at a faster rate and lower frequencies at a more slow, dense rate. In short feelings such as happiness, gratitude , bliss etc. are high frequency so experiencing something on those frequencies will seem to be short lived because of the fast pace speed those frequencies move at. Experiencing feelings like anger , sadness, worry etc. that reside on lower, dense frequencies that tend to move slower may seem to last forever. In all, I believe a sense of awareness, being present in the moment and realizing that you determine what frequencies (feelings) you are experiencing. Will help you to learn from those experiences and also determine how long or how often you’d like to experience them. It’s just my theory from using my common wit and experience. I can recall a time most recent when I was worried and it seemed as if that feeling was taking over. Making my days seem longer. Making all other things I had been experiencing less desirable. I felt like a grey cloud was hovering over me, it wasn’t a good frequency to be on. After a few days of being sort of warped in the feeling of worry, I decided to sit with it. When I reflected on the things that I was worried about, I came to the realization that it was things that were out of my control. In fact, it wasn’t even the “things” that caused the worry! It was the lack of control. Upon this realization I decided to go deeper. Asking myself why do I seek to control tangible things? what do I actually have control over? The beautiful thing about sitting with yourself in solitude is your higher self, higher consciousness or even God will assist you with making things make sense… in a simplified way. In this meditative state I heard, “you’re fighting with the rocks and not flowing with the river.” I received a few revelations from this. 

  1. You can’t control the natural flow of things 
  2. When you fight against this natural flow because you seek control, you tired yourself out, causing your energy to be low.
  3. When you’re on low energy or low frequency you experience the feelings that reside there.
  4. The urge to control is fear based.
  5. Surrendering to the natural flow of things and just allowing things to be as they are places you in a peaceful state of being.
  6. Everything happens in divine timing.
  7. The only thing you have control over is how you’re perceiving things around you.
  8. You’re perception supports & dictates your feelings 
  9. When your perception and feelings align you’re in your natural flow. When they’re not aligned you’re fighting against it.
  10. Check yourself before you wreck yourself. When you realize that you are not in alignment with your natural flow. You have to surrender control, go within, correct your perception and accept that things will naturally unfold the way they should.
  11. You choose how you feel about the experience, and whatever you choose will determine what state of being you are in.

I’m going to leave you with this: choose to be neutral, at peace when things seems to be not going so well. That way, you can find the beauty in just flowing with river while allowing life to unfold for you in a divinely timed way. And when the things you’ve been “waiting” on flow into your existence you will be able to feel the miraculous, powerful, sustaining, high vibrational love, life has to offer. It’s not about the “time” it’s about the flow of energy.

Earth the philosopher 

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