Heaven has visiting hours

I asked God for a sign, a sign to inform me if my prayers were being heard. I felt like I had a lot going on but no creativity. Aside from my daily routine of waking up, praying, affirming myself, working, building healthy relationships with family and friends. I’ve been showing up to be present for my community. Showing up to practice my craft. Showing up to support other people that I care for. Tired, but still motivated to be seen, heard, and acknowledged. Although these things make me happy, I couldn’t help but feel like something was missing. There was a void. I hadn’t been writing. I would start channeling a spark, and it would quickly burn out. Much like the sparklers I keep in my “junk” drawer because I like to randomly enjoy lighting a few throughout the year. My folder of unfinished poems, incomplete thoughts, was growing but nothing was coming into fruition. I would even sit and just listen to nothingness for a while, still nothing. Some people call it writers block and I get it, but for me it’s something different. I write because it’s channeled through me. I write from my spirit, inspiration, in-spirit… get it? So when there’s nothing coming through, am I not being used? God, I thought I was your muse? Words flow so freely when I’m in tune with you. Am I not tuned in? Or attuned to your frequency? Are we not in sync? I thought you and I were in harmony? Are you mad at me? Before I could overthink my way into depression, I said to myself, “Just pray for confirmation”.

The prayer:

“I call on the Divine Holy Spirit of The Most High and the spirit of my ancestors. I ask that I am blessed with a sign of confirmation that my prayers are being heard, that I am in alignment with my purpose, confirmation that my channel is clear and my light is brightly lit. Confirmation of a beautiful butterfly within 48 hours to show me that I am still highly favored and worthy of The Most High’s mercy. In love I pray, Ase’ and so it is”

The Dream confirmation:

After the first 24 hours, I decided to walk to my Grandparents house. When I arrived, their house was covered in vines. I used the side door to enter because it led straight to the kitchen. My grandparents stayed in the kitchen. That was their sanctuary and our safe space. When I entered, there was my Granny! I was so elated to see her. She’s one of those people who naturally warms anyone’s heart because hers was so genuine and pure. Her essence alone was motherly. Her love unconditional and her voice was so soft that you had to listen with all 6 senses. She is my angel. 

“Granny, why the house covered in vines? They’re even growing up and through the house. We need to cut them and clear the house” I say to her as I’m pulling a vine from the ceiling. “Don’t worry about these vines, they ain’t bothering nobody” she replies. She begins telling me something and I’m still pulling on the vine from the ceiling. Next thing you know, I pull the vine just a little more and a butterfly appears. Fluttering around me, then lands on my hand. I turned to look at my granny, she nods back to the butterfly. I begin studying the butterfly, vivid, high def hues of pink that I’ve never seen before. I say to myself, “this butterfly must be from heaven”. I was lucid dreaming and I knew that my visit with my granny would end soon so I asked, “Granny, can I just come stay with you for a while so that you can teach me how to garden?” In a blink of an eye, we were outside in her garden and she had me clearing out her garden beds. Instructing me every step of the way. As I’m finishing up, granny gets a phone call. I couldn’t hear what was being said but when she got off the phone she says to me, “some higher authorities are coming by”.  I reply, “see that’s why you should let me stay, what if they’re coming because you’re by yourself?” She states, “I’ll be fine, but you have to go back home when our visit ends”. We talked more about the things that I’ve been doing while enjoying the warm sun and peace. I needed that moment. Time doesn’t exist when I’m here but I can still feel when I’ve stayed for too long. When the higher authorities arrived, they were familiar energies. Their presence alone brought a sense of relief to my spirit. My prayer was answered and confirmed in my heart. Just like the butterfly. Their arrival also was my sign that my visit with my granny was coming to an end, for now. The angels greeted granny and then turned to me to ask me if they could walk me home. With tears of gratitude in my heart, joy in my eyes, I reply that I would be honored. I stood up from working in the garden and began walking. Before leaving, I turn to my granny and say, “see you later”. That was our thing. No goodbyes for the people you love, but see you later! I walked into the sun and woke up to the sun on my face.

-Oracle Earth Talinna

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